We are Rotary

We are an organization made up of business, professional and civic leaders, as well as local citizens, with a passion to perform community and international service while enjoying fellowship and fun.

Welcome to
San Clemente Rotary

Our meetings feature compelling speakers on topics of interest to business and community leaders and citizens uniting for the common good. We meet at the VIP Room of the San Clemente Outlets on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays of the month. Meet-and-Greet starts at 5:00 pm followed by the Meeting from 5:30-6:30 pm.

We meet in the VIP Room of the San Clemente Outlets on the 2 nd and 4 th Thursdays of the month. Meet-and-Greet starts at 5:00 pm followed by the Meeting from 5:30-6:30 pm. Scheduled club meetings appear on our club calendar.

Serving our Communnity

We are all about SERVICE. San Clemente Rotarians take pride in serving the needs of our Orange County community.

Students and Scholarships

We provide students with scholarships, mentorship, and develop leadership in our youth through RYLA (Rotary Youth Leadership Awards).

Buy a Puzzle, Support local and international charitable causes!

San Clemente Rotary has created and sells puzzles of local San Clemente sites. The sales support our charitable giving to non-profits causes.

Getting Involved

We get out there and meet our community. We are community and business leaders in San Clemente.

Facebook Feed

Rotary Club of San Clemente

2 days 13 hours ago

San Clemente Rotary will be hosting the Commanding Officer of MCAS Camp Pendleton, Colonel Christine M. Houser at their meeting on Thursday, March 27th. The meeting takes place at the VIP Room at the San Clemente Outlets at 5:0”-6:30 pm.

Col. Houser had had a stellar and exciting career and service in the Marines. She will share her experiences with us and provide insight into being the Commanding Officer at MCAS Camp Pendleton.
All are welcome to attend.

March 27, 2025
5:00 - 6:30 pm
VIP Room at the San Clemente Outlets

Rotary Club of San Clemente

3 days 21 hours ago

As part of the Arbor Day Celebration, we are planting trees at the Municiple Golf Course (see flyer - all are welcome to attend!). However, if you want to plant a tree at your home or office, see the Arbor Day Foundation flyer here to secure your free tree! Thanks to Irvine Subaru for these free trees!

Rotary Club of San Clemente

6 days 17 hours ago

Arbor Day 2025

It’s official! The city has confirmed that Arbor Day will be held on Saturday, April 26, from 9 am to 12 pm, at the Municipal Golf Course, Hole #5.
Please note that while the attached flyer provides the address for the Golf Course Club House, Hole 5 is located ½ mile south at the intersection of Avenida San Luis Rey and Avenida Santa Margarita. Don’t worry! There will be signs to guide you to the right place, and on-street parking is available close by.
Trees will be planted all along San Luis Rey. For those who would like to help plant, bring a hat, sunscreen, and any tools you wish. The city will provide shovels, gloves, and water. For questions or to volunteer, contact Patricia at pat13holloway@gmail.com or call 949-378-7890.

Rotary Club of San Clemente

3 weeks 6 days ago

Our Rotary meeting this Thursday, February 27, 2025, will feature the CEO of Hoag, Robert Braithwaite. He will speak about the opening of the Health Center on the corner of Avenida Pico and Avenida La Pata
As always, we encourage you to come early to enjoy our social time, from 5:00 to 5:30 pm in the VIP Lounge at the Outlets. Meetings are from 5:30-6:30 (the VIP Lounge is on the backside of the Outlets near the freeway, above the business office, across from the main restrooms.
All are welcome to attend!

Rotary Club of San Clemente

1 month 1 week ago

Puzzles are available every Sunday at the Farmer’s Market on Del Mar - 9 am - 1pm!
Hope to see you there!
